
Showing posts with the label IQ

Good Humor Excellent Career

People who have a high IQ will enjoy easier enrollment to a high quality university or college. They also get their first jobs easier, but they sometimes don’t achieve a high position. Sometimes, they don’t get any promotions at all. Any good company has some criteria to promote one of their employees to a higher level. If you want to reach a top job you must have a nice attitude, professionalism, and a good sense of humor. High IQ is not enough. You may know about EQ (emotional quotient). Some experts in leadership add IQ, EQ and also SQ or Spiritual Quotient. A good sense of humor is a part of SQ and EQ. Working or organization environment shouldn’t be left dry. The organization is led by management. They are not machines, they still have their own feelings and mood to do their duties or when they make a tough decision. When working with other people in any organization a smart brain is important, but you must also be smart in behavior, attitude, and remember to manage your re...