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Smart steps to upload a cover song to YouTube

Are you inspired by Justin Bieber and other singers who started their careers because they uploaded their videos to YouTube? Now they are famous and wealthy in the music industry. You can also enjoy the glory achieved by Justin Beiber, there are even many street singers or buskers who are successful as YouTubers because they sing famous songs in the cover version. This is legal as long as you fulfill the terms and conditions on YouTube, especially relating to copyright law.

Justin Bieber, copyright, cover version, YouTube, music business, music industry, music career, music producer, cover version song, YouTuber, upload song
Justin Bieber before and after (

You certainly can sing well, because you have felt the beauty of being a student in elementary school, also enjoying a period of dating with classmates in high school. Maybe you have joined a choir or sang during camp because you were a Scout. Maybe you have also been singing alone in the bathroom to relieve anxiety because you just broke up with your lover. If you can play musical instruments like guitar, piano or ukulele. Now, it's time you change your talents by making money on social media like YouTube.

Don't waste your hidden talent. Thanks to YouTube and other social media, you can now start a career as a musician, songwriter, or sing other famous singer songs, which are often referred to as cover version songs. For that, you need some rules that you must fulfill so that everything runs smoothly so that you are successful as a new millionaire on the Internet. 

Now you can start a new career as a music producer because you are in the digital world. Don't just be lulled as a loyal consumer. Social media will make you richer than before if you want to start without hesitation. You don't need a sophisticated studio which is expensive if you build it yourself. You don't need big capital to start your first business as a musician or singer. You can use your room comfortably by making it a bit neater, and the lighting is bright enough, so that your video is comfortable being seen by your viewers on the YouTube screen. 

You can upload your music video where you sing solo or play musical instruments such as piano, keyboard, guitar, or ukulele. If you have a band you also have a golden opportunity to play music or songs that have been performed by other musicians or your favorite singer. But you need to pay attention that in the entertainment world there are legal rules that you must obey, namely the law that protects copyright.

If you break the rules, you will experience problems that will hinder your dreams. So, don't ever violate the laws that have been determined by YouTube and copyright that has been universally recognized throughout the world. 

According to that YouTube has developed a monetization system to allow rights holders and content creators to bypass the usual licensing process for cover song videos. But you need to know how the copyright rules so that you don't get a nightmare, which is about the license you need to secure if you want to be sure your cover song video was published by-the-book, on the up-and-up, and legit and legal eagle. 

Furthermore, also tells, that you need ... a sync license.

Some of the many rights granted to the publisher of composition are:

- the right to decide who gets to “synchronize” that song with images
- the right to determine the circumstances under which the song is “synched”
- and the right to set terms for monetary compensation

Getting a sync license (or synch license) from the publisher of the song allows you to pair their composition with moving images in your cover song video. Note that those same rights are granted to the owners of sound recordings too, but since you’re making your version of an existing song, you won’t need to deal with whichever entity owns the master recording. You just need to negotiate with the publisher.

If that is too difficult for you to do, then you need to discuss with YouTubers who have successfully done it. Look for the YouTuber community on Facebook or Twitter. You can ask them about the copyright that applies when you upload a famous song, which you want to sing as a cover version.

The safest way is to sing or play your music and upload it to YouTube. However, because YouTube already has its special mechanism, you can still sing other singers' songs in your style, you will get a copyright claim notification, that you share profits with the publicizer and of course with YouTube as a platform provider.

Furthermore, so that you become more expert in this matter, you need to read the terms and conditions that apply to YouTube about copyright. This is important for you to do so that you become a successful millionaire because you have started your career as a singer or musician, even you as a music producer for yourself. 

You can start a new career as a cover singer-song even as a music producer or famous musician on YouTube and social media. If you are creative and want to learn applicable copyright laws, you can become a new millionaire in the music industry. You deserve to benefit from the digital world. Make sure you are not just a loyal consumer. You have the right to success and wealth on the Internet like Justin Bieber, who started his music career on YouTube.


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